Pastoral Care at Boasley Cross Primary School
Pastoral Care is an all-embracing term which describes the whole atmosphere, ethos and tone of our school, and its mission to promote the moral, intellectual, personal and social development of the pupils.
Pastoral care is concerned with promoting pupils’ personal and social development and fostering positive attitudes: through the quality of teaching and learning; through the nature of relationships amongst pupils, teachers, parents and others; through arrangements for monitoring pupils’ overall progress, academic, personal and social; through specific pastoral structures and support systems and through extra curricular activities and the school ethos. Pastoral care accordingly, should help a school achieve success.
Pastoral care is concerned with promoting pupils’ personal and social development and fostering positive attitudes: through the quality of teaching and learning; through the nature of relationships amongst pupils, teachers, parents and others; through arrangements for monitoring pupils’ overall progress, academic, personal and social; through specific pastoral structures and support systems and through extra curricular activities and the school ethos. Pastoral care accordingly, should help a school achieve success.
Pastoral care encompasses and pervades the whole life and work of the school in which:
- all the pupils and all the staff feel valued as individuals, feel safe and secure and are encouraged to develop their gifts and talents.
- the staff work well together, as an effective team keeping the pupils’ interests and welfare as their main focus.
- there are good relationships between teachers and pupils and among pupils within and outside the classroom.
- the pupils are secure and are protected from emotional and physical harm.
- the pupils’ opinions are valued and their worries and concerns are dealt with sympathetically and appropriately.
- the self-esteem of the pupils are promoted and they have opportunities to develop independence of thought and expression.
- the pupils are taught to work with their peers arid to value and respect the opinions of others.
- our parents are closely involved in and knowledgeable about the life and work of the school.
- the school has clear lines of communication and good, flexible relationships with relevant external advice and support agencies.
- the school strives to promote and sustain good and high standards of behaviour and discipline which reflect an appropriate balance between rewards and sanctions. Disciplinary procedures are implemented consistently by all staff in a fair and positive manner.